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What is The Emotion Code?

Please check out Healers Library, the Emotion Code website for more information.


The Emotion Code is a form of energy healing used to release Trapped Emotions that can weigh us down.  Through muscle testing I ask your subconscious mind about any energies that are ready to be released, and then we safely release them from your body.


Releasing trapped emotions help make conditions right for the body to heal physically and emotionally. Emotional difficulties often disappear or become much easier to deal with. Emotion Code is almost like doing surgery on the energy body. We are literally looking for harmful energies that need to be released, and then we can safely release them.


It could take the energy body a day or two to heal, reorganize and regain its balance. You might not notice anything different or weird after a session, you might feel great and light. It’s good to be aware that doing any energy work is a great pathway to make changes for your bodies energy system.


A great part of Emotion Code is where I'm working with your subconcious, there may or may not be specific memories that each emotion is dealing with. It's okay if you can't remember certain events or why there might be a certain Trapped Emotion. You can share as much or as little with me as you would like. 


Each 30 min session can be held over the phone or in person.



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